Sore throats happen to everyone now and then. When you have a sore throat, this can affect speaking, swallowing, or breathing.
- mostly sore throat is cased by virus which heals on its own
- Sometime it is caused by a bacteria called group A Streptococcus pyogenes if its left untreated it may cause serious infections such as rheumatic fever.
- Here are the some of the remedies you can use to faster your recovery from sore throat
- Severe and prolonged sore throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty opening the mouth
- Swelling of the face or neck
- Joint pain
- Earache
- Rash
- Fever (over 101°F)
- Blood in saliva or phlegm
- Frequently recurring sore throat
- Lump in neck
- Hoarseness lasting over two weeks
Home treatment :
When it come to treating a sore throat, you can try:
- Gargling at least once an hour with warm salt water to reduce swelling and discomfort.
- Drinking hot fluids such as tea or soup, which soothe the throat and help thin sinus mucus allowing for better drainage and decreased stuffiness.
- Stopping smoking and avoid secondhand smoke.
- Taking nonprescription medications, such as throat lozenges, decongestants, acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.
When to see the doctor :
In most cases, your sore throat will improve with at-home treatment. However, it’s time to see your doctor if a severe sore throat and a fever over 101 degrees lasts longer than one to two days; you have difficulty sleeping because your throat is blocked by swollen tonsils or adenoids; or a red rash appears.
If you have any of the symptoms listed above, it could mean that you have a bacterial infection. In that case, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to treat your infection.
“For adults who have repeated bacterial throat infections within a relatively short period of time, a physician may recommend a tonsillectomy,”
Prevention :
You can prevent a sore throat by replacing your toothbrush every month and tossing an old toothbrush once you’ve recovered from a sore throat to prevent re-infection. You should also refrain from smoking, which can be abrasive to the throat.
“Be sure to wash your hands often, eat right and get plenty of sleep,”